Assess the hardware

Hardware assessment involves defining three haptic effects, labeled Effects 1, 2, and 3 for this specific assessment.

Effect 1: Predefined short haptic constants

The VibrationEffect.EFFECT_CLICK constant is the baseline effect or common denominator in the HAL-API mapping provided in Map constants between HAL and API . It's mapped with the most used effect, HapticFeedbackConstants.KEYBOARD_PRESS . Assessing this effect helps determine the readiness of your target device for clear haptics.

Effect 2: Short custom haptic effect

The VibrationEffect.createOneShot(20,255) constant is for custom haptic effects. For short, single custom impulses, 20 ms is the recommended maximum threshold to define duration. A single impulse longer than 20 ms isn't recommended because it's perceived as a buzzy vibration.

Waveform of short custom haptic

Figure 19. Short custom haptic effect

Effect 3: Long custom haptic effect with amplitude variation

The VibrationEffect.createWaveform(timings[], amplitudes[], int repeat) constant is for long custom effects with amplitude variation. The ability to produce varying amplitudes for custom haptic effects is one of the indicators to evaluate the device's capabilities for rich haptics. The recommended timings [] and amplitudes [] are {500, 500} and {128, 255}, respectively, which presents an increasing trend of amplitude from 50% to 100%, with a 500 ms sampling rate.

Haptic effect waveform with amplitude

Figure 20. Long custom haptic effect with amplitude variation

To check the hardware capabilities of amplitude control for Effect 3, use the Vibrator.hasAmplitudeControl() method. The result has to be true to execute VibrationEffect.createWaveform with varying amplitude as intended.

Flowchart of subjective haptic effect

Figure 21. Subject assessment of haptic effect 1, 2, and 3

Perform a subjective assessment

For a quick coherence check, perform a subjective assessment first. The goal of the subjective assessment is to observe the amplitude of the haptic effects to determine whether the device can generate haptics with human-perceptible amplitudes.

A specific question structured around this notion looks like this: Can the device produce perceptible haptic effects to the users as expected? Answering this question helps you avoid failed haptics, including imperceptible haptics that users can't feel, or unintended haptics where waveforms don't produce patterns as intended.

Perform an advanced assessment

Performing advanced quality assessments is highly recommended. Advanced quality assessments characterize quantifiable attributes of haptic effects to implement quality haptics. When finished, device manufacturers should be able to diagnose the current haptic status, which means they can set goals to improve the overall quality. See Hardware assessment.