Android Automotive 13 QPR1 release details

This page summarizes new features provided in Android Automotive 13 QPR1.


Car framework

  • Verify that the car mainline module built in to Android 13 can be updated. Proper version handling is provided to car service, the Car API, apps, and all necessary tests (CTS and xTS).
  • Add the Car API to allow for adjusting of the thread priority to the RT level. Let critical system apps adjust thread priority by asking the car service.
  • CarWatchdog CPU profiling and reporting to bugreport. Added lightweight CPU profile collecting and reporting through bugreport.


  • API to set TDA/DAG always on top from Shell. Added an API to set the TDA/DAG on top of the shell so that it's possible to work on any level in the hierarchy.
  • Reference Launcher app for OEMs using TaskViews. A reference implementation of the car Launcher is provided so that it can be used by OEMs to create a UI for various display form factors.


Location Settings to match the Privacy Center user experience. The Privacy Center includes Recently Accessed apps on the Settings screen. Users can open Privacy Policy URLs provided by driver assistance apps developed by partners.