
public abstract class NameMangleListener
extends Object implements ITestInvocationListener


A proxy listener to translate test method, class, and package names as results are reported.


Public constructors

NameMangleListener(ITestInvocationListener listener)

Public methods

TestSummary getSummary()

Allows the InvocationListener to return a summary.

void invocationEnded(long elapsedTime)

Reports that the invocation has terminated, whether successfully or due to some error condition.

void invocationFailed(Throwable cause)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

void invocationStarted(IInvocationContext context)

Reports the start of the test invocation.

void testAssumptionFailure(TestDescription test, String trace)

Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false

void testEnded(TestDescription test, testMetrics)

Reports the execution end of an individual test case.

void testFailed(TestDescription test, String trace)

Reports the failure of a individual test case.

void testIgnored(TestDescription test)

Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with org.junit.Ignore.

void testLog(String dataName, LogDataType dataType, InputStreamSource dataStream)

Provides the associated log or debug data from the test invocation.

void testRunEnded(long elapsedTime, runMetrics)

Reports end of test run.

void testRunFailed(String errorMessage)

Reports test run failed to complete due to a fatal error.

void testRunStarted(String runName, int testCount)

Reports the start of a test run.

void testRunStopped(long elapsedTime)

Reports test run stopped before completion due to a user request.

void testStarted(TestDescription test)

Reports the start of an individual test case.

Protected methods

TestDescription mangleTestId(TestDescription test)

This method is run on all TestDescriptions that are passed to the testStarted(, testFailed(, String), and ERROR(/#testEnded(,HashMap)) callbacks.

String mangleTestRunName(String name)

This method is run on all test run names that are passed to the testRunStarted(String, int) callback.

Public constructors


public NameMangleListener (ITestInvocationListener listener)

listener ITestInvocationListener

Public methods


public TestSummary getSummary ()

Allows the InvocationListener to return a summary.

TestSummary A TestSummary summarizing the run, or null


public void invocationEnded (long elapsedTime)

Reports that the invocation has terminated, whether successfully or due to some error condition.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework.

elapsedTime long: the elapsed time of the invocation in ms


public void invocationFailed (Throwable cause)

Reports an incomplete invocation due to some error condition.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework.

cause Throwable: the Throwable cause of the failure


public void invocationStarted (IInvocationContext context)

Reports the start of the test invocation.

Will be automatically called by the TradeFederation framework. Reporters need to override this method to support multiple devices reporting.

context IInvocationContext: information about the invocation


public void testAssumptionFailure (TestDescription test, 
                String trace)

Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false

test TestDescription: identifies the test

trace String: stack trace of failure


public void testEnded (TestDescription test, 

Reports the execution end of an individual test case.

If testFailed(TestDescription, FailureDescription) was not invoked, this test passed. Also returns any key/value metrics which may have been emitted during the test case's execution.

test TestDescription: identifies the test

testMetrics : a ERROR(/Map) of the metrics emitted


public void testFailed (TestDescription test, 
                String trace)

Reports the failure of a individual test case.

Will be called between testStarted and testEnded.

test TestDescription: identifies the test

trace String: stack trace of failure


public void testIgnored (TestDescription test)

Called when a test will not be run, generally because a test method is annotated with org.junit.Ignore.

test TestDescription: identifies the test


public void testLog (String dataName, 
                LogDataType dataType, 
                InputStreamSource dataStream)

Provides the associated log or debug data from the test invocation.

Must be called before ERROR(/ITestInvocationListener#invocationFailed(Throwable)) or ERROR(/ITestInvocationListener#invocationEnded(long))

The TradeFederation framework will automatically call this method, providing the host log and if applicable, the device logcat.

dataName String: a String descriptive name of the data. e.g. "device_logcat". Note dataName may not be unique per invocation. ie implementers must be able to handle multiple calls with same dataName

dataType LogDataType: the LogDataType of the data

dataStream InputStreamSource: the InputStreamSource of the data. Implementers should call createInputStream to start reading the data, and ensure to close the resulting InputStream when complete. Callers should ensure the source of the data remains present and accessible until the testLog method completes.


public void testRunEnded (long elapsedTime, 

Reports end of test run.

elapsedTime long: device reported elapsed time, in milliseconds

runMetrics : key-value pairs reported at the end of a test run


public void testRunFailed (String errorMessage)

Reports test run failed to complete due to a fatal error.

errorMessage String: String describing reason for run failure.


public void testRunStarted (String runName, 
                int testCount)

Reports the start of a test run.

runName String: the test run name

testCount int: total number of tests in test run


public void testRunStopped (long elapsedTime)

Reports test run stopped before completion due to a user request.

TODO: currently unused, consider removing

elapsedTime long: device reported elapsed time, in milliseconds


public void testStarted (TestDescription test)

Reports the start of an individual test case. Older interface, should use testStarted( whenever possible.

test TestDescription: identifies the test

Protected methods


protected TestDescription mangleTestId (TestDescription test)

This method is run on all TestDescriptions that are passed to the testStarted(, testFailed(, String), and ERROR(/#testEnded(,HashMap)) callbacks. The method should return a possibly-different TestDescription that will be passed to the downstream ITestInvocationListener that was specified during construction.

The implementation should be careful to not modify the original TestDescription.

The default implementation passes the incoming identifier through unmodified.

test TestDescription



protected String mangleTestRunName (String name)

This method is run on all test run names that are passed to the testRunStarted(String, int) callback. The method should return a possibly-different test run name that will be passed to the downstream ITestInvocationListener that was specified during construction.

The implementation should be careful to not modify the original run name.

The default implementation passes the incoming test run name through unmodified.

name String
